October 22, 2010

We all go nut for nuts!

Nuts, nuts, nuts. We all love nuts and we all go nut for nuts. Sorry no pun intended. As you can see I will talk/rant about nuts today to celebrate the infamous National Nut Day! Nuts are really nutritious, but sometimes eating it often can be a little too much. I hate it when you eat certain food too much at once; you will get exhausted and sick of the food. (Blek!) I have probably ranted on Fall, however, it is one of the most beautiful seasons in Chicago. The squirrels are gathering their nuts now such as acorns and whatnot for hibernation. Do not get the squirrels mad or they would hunt you down! (Just maybe.) Squirrels look adorable, but you may never know what would happen when you enrage them. They could look something like the picture above.

More about nuts: not only do squirrels like nuts but also, humans do. To tell you the truth I am not crazy for nuts and I only like small portion of nuts. If you are a nut lover that is good for you, if not then we are buddies. (Just kidding.) Nuts to me are more like snacks to enjoy and munch on during free time, movies or a light snack. You should eat nuts before a standardized test if you are a student because nuts contain omega 3-fatty acids and improve energy and alertness throughout the day. Walnuts, peanuts, cashews, nuts, and screws. If you didn't catch the last part of my list of nuts, reread it again.

Nuts are usually in foods we eat, especially in junk food for example chocolate M&Ms where some contained peanuts and almonds. One of my favorite chocolate covered nuts is Rocher Ferrero: the fancy chocolate wrapped in gold aluminum foil and the first layer is chocolate with chopped hazelnuts and on the center is even more nuts. It is so good that I could eat a whole factory worth of Rocher Ferrero and I become a chocoholic.

Lastly, I want to talk about "nut"ella or nutella. Huh? What is nutella? Nutella is similar to peanut butter instead it is hazelnut spread which is so good that I can eat it all by itself. Nutella is the same chocolate, creamy center of Rocher Ferrero. If you still do not know what I'm talking about go to your local market/store to buy a box and indulge in the velvety chocolate of goodness. Any who, Nutella is the greatest invention that is ever created because it is basically a jar filled with fluffy chocolate cream. Even though, Nutella is not nut product but the name contained the word "nut" which relates back to the topic. For those who are allergic to nuts I'm sorry if this made you really uncomfortable and there are other alternatives besides nuts. Don't feel left out.

How to use Nutella:
1. Go to a store and buy a jar of Nutella. (If you do not know how it looks like, look for image above.) *Note: Milk is not included with your purchase of Nutella.
2. Go back home, dorm, or office and prepare a butter knife and a toasted or non-toasted bread, it is your preference.
3. Open jar and use butter knife to obtain a dab to a pile of Nutella.
4. Once amount of Nutella is obtain, turn knife at a 45 degree angle and smother onto bread.
5. To clean the knife: either lick off excess Nutella or wash under warm water
6. Eat your Nutella covered bread. :)
Caution: Please have adult supervision when using knife and be warned that the knife is sharp and might caused injury in or near mouth. Do not blame the author of this blog for any injuries. Good Day!

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